Monthly “Kudos” Employee Recognition

Employees are encouraged to submit “kudos” about fellow team members. Accepted at any time, a list of kudos received will run in the last CS Outlook of the month. A single, monthly winner will receive a $20 gift card and will be drawn at random from all kudos submissions received.

Kudos Award Criteria:

  • No self-nomination
  • Only individual employees may be given kudos
  • All employees (including executive leadership) are eligible
  • More than one person may be given kudos within a given submission period
  • An employee may only be awarded as a winner once every 12 months. If drawn two months consecutively, another will be drawn
  • Employees may submit a team member for both the Quarterly Spotlight Award and monthly kudos, but we kindly ask there is no duplication in nomination content.
Please let us know your name.

Please let us know your email address.

Please write a subject for your message.

Please let us know your message.

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You may also upload attachments, if desired, in support of this nomination.

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